A landlord that's
on your side
Renting a house or apartment with Occu is like renting should have always been. No fuss, no faff and next-level service.
Why Occu?
Private gym & studio
Whether you fancy a bend, flex, spin or sprint, get your workout done on your doorstep in a state-of-the-art gym, available across a selection of our developments. Enjoy sessions with expert guest instructors or try something new at a class in our spacious studio.
Why Occu?
Playspaces for the whole family
We’ve got outdoor spaces for everyone – stunning playgrounds to keep the little ones entertained, jogging pathways in beautiful landscaped surrounds, green spaces to stargaze and woodlands where you can listen to the birds. And we keep it ship shape for you to enjoy all year round.
Why Occu?
Work pods with free wifi
Working from home, self-employed or just fancy a change of scene? In selected developments, grab yourself a coffee and book yourself into one of our complimentary work pods. They’re modern, airy and have speedy internet connection. Hello productivity, goodbye commute!
Why Occu?
Fresh air on your doorstep
While the Irish sunshine might be in short supply, that’s no excuse for not having outdoor space so you can enjoy it when the sun is out! Whether it’s an apartment balcony with a view or a spacious garden in one of our houses, we believe a home is not a home without some private outdoor space.
But that’s not all…
We've got all the basics covered plus even more little touches that make renting better, which include...
Find your new home with Occu
