
Hear the latest from Occu.

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Abbot view from outside

Fairway and Abbot is the place to be…

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The Cualanor estate in Dun Laoghaire has won the overall winner prize in the ‘2020…

High Praise

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The Occu brand has been featured by the World Brand Design Society and also included…

COVID-19: Update regarding gyms and recreational spaces

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Phase 3, Commencing 29th June  In line with the reopening of Ireland, we are delighted…

Occu Scholarstown and Occu Gandon Park – Now released

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Occu are delighted to announce that we have just brought two new housing locations to…

Lockdown Love!

Lockdown Love!

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We were blown away by the level of interest and volume of entries for our…

Introducing Occu Homes

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Since we started up, we've had so much feedback from residents that it's “hard to…

COVID-19: Latest Update

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To all our residents: We are sorry to hear that you may be experiencing financial…

COVID-19: Temporary Closure of the Gym and Common Areas

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To all our residents: As you are all aware, we took the difficult decision last…

Occu Abbot exterior showing courtyard and green space

Occu Abbot is now available

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We are delighted to announce that Occu has brought a further apartment offering to the…

Occu Fairway interior – apartment 75

Occu introduces more apartments at Fairway

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We are pleased to announce that Occu has introduced more apartments in Cualanor,  with the…